Nothing Left

by As I Lay Dying

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:01 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



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1st → Vocals6
2nd → Maxx
3rd → Pollo
4th → Fills
5th → Charly
6th → Percussion

File Size

106 KB




Yeah! This world was nev-er wor-thy, but how can I call it un-faith-ful? Ev-'ry prom-ise was ful-filled as de-cay crawled from its throat like the dead ris-ing from an o-pen grave Like the dead ris-ing from an o-pen grave Lips of slen-dor, tongue of de-ceit all dy-ing now as our frag-ile wrist, hold on-ly waste Like those gasp-ing for their last breath, we can-not hide there's no-thing left Like those gasp-ing for their last breath, we can-not hide there's no-thing left No-thing left No-thing left No-thing If all my sor-row has led me here, then I would cry all of my tears to have this chance to have this chance And know there's more than this And know there's more than you! Like those gasp-ing for their last breath, we can-not hide there's no-thing left Like those gasp-ing for their last breath, we can-not hide there's no-thing left